Ireland | Photocrati WordPress Themes for Photographers Thu, 25 Oct 2012 23:11:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ireland | Photocrati 32 32 Featured Member: Maggy Morrissey Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:00:05 +0000 What kind of photography do you do?

I photograph mostly landscapes, seascapes, and the odd cityscape. For the days when the weather does not permit outdoor photography, and that is quite frequent in Ireland, I’ll happily play with still life and macro. Often, the photographs are of something manmade, with nature as the backdrop, and the odd time its the other way around.

© Maggy Morrissey

Story behind this image: This is the beacon at the end of the north Bull Wall in Dublin Bay, with the rocky causeway leading towards it. The Bull Wall is easily my favourite place to be in Dublin. It is nearly always very wild and windy in this spot which always makes for an invigorating walk, but is quite a challenge for any tripod not made of concrete!

How would you describe your style?

Simple compositions with smooth clean lines have the greatest appeal for me. I try to reduce clutter in the photographs so that there are not too many elements competing for attention. As a result, the photographs can have a somewhat minimalist feel to them.

I would have a preference for black and white, as it helps simplify things even further. Having said that, I have recently been playing with colour and texture in photographs. I think a style is something that continues to develop so I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.

© Maggy Morrissey

Story behind this image: This is rush hour in Venice, Italy, which is easily the most beautiful city I have ever been to. This particular morning Venice offered up a wonderful fog, which gave the people walking to work along the waterfront, a somewhat ghostly appearance.

What’s your approach to post processing?

I use both photoshop and lightroom, although I find myself using photoshop less and less as I get to know lightroom more.

Like my photos, I prefer to keep my processing simple, but will do what is needed to get the image to look the way I want it to. I actually enjoy the post processing, it’s like polishing something to bring out its best features.

© Maggy Morrissey

Story behind this image: This was taken on a calm misty morning on the west coast of France. These fishing huts, known as carrelets, are dotted all around the Gironde estuary. I love their distinctive shapes set against such a simple backdrop.

What or who inspires you?

Nature provides an endless and ever-changing source of inspiration, from beautiful backdrops of the skies and seas, to the simple shapes of trees or clouds. I love when nature graces us with some fog or snow – it can really help de-clutter a scene. Interesting architecture can also get my creative juices flowing, especially when it is complementing the natural world around it.

What gear do you use?

Canon cameras and lenses, Lee filters, and Giottos tripods.



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Featured Member: John Miskelly Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:00:00 +0000 What kind of photography do you do?

Landscape photography mainly, but I have also been a keen street photographer for many years.

© John Miskelly

Story behind this image: Elgol in Skye, where it had rained for the previous 24 hours and then it cleared for a stunning golden light at sunset.

How would you describe your style?

I work hard to capture the wild and natural landscapes, primarily of Scotland and Ireland. A lot of my work is panoramic, as this is how we view the world!

© John Miskelly

Story behind this image: The Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland and I was there for the first time this summer. The light here was like nothing I’ve every experienced. It wa absolutely stunning.

What’s your approach to post processing?

I do relatively minimal post processing as I want the images to reflect reality and I generally only do enough work to ‘correct’ for the limitations of the camera and bring the image to the point where it represents what I saw with my eyes.

What or who inspires you?

I’m inspired by some great British landscape photographers such as Joe Cornish, David Ward and David Noton.

© John Miskelly

Story behind this image: The Giants Causeway is internationally known and is in Ireland where I live. This was a momentary flash of light at sundown and this image won me a Silver award (and a place in the top 50) in the Epson International Pano competition in 2012!

What gear do you use?

I use Nikon digital cameras, a D700 and now my brand new D800E! Lenses include the 24-70 and 70-200, all f2.8. I also carry a Fuji X100 with me at all times.


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